Relații Internaționale
Agendă de evenimente/conferințe WAREG:
21-23 mai 18th WAREG General Assembly, Vilnius, Lituania
12-13 februarie 17th WAREG General Assembly, Dublin, Irlanda
26-26 septembrie, 16th WAREG General Assembly, Budva, Muntenegru
29 iunie, 1st WAREG Workshop „Customer Engagement”, Edinburgh, Scoția
8-9 mai 2018, 15th WAREG General Assembly Sofia, Bulgaria
30-31 ianuarie 2018, 14th WAREG General Assembly Gent Belgium
10-11 octombrie 2017, 13th WAREG Generral Assembly Riga Latvia
20-21 iunie 2017, 12th WAREG General Assembly Tbilisi Georgia
11-12 aprilie, 1st WAREG Secretariat Meeting for 2017 Edinburgh, Scotland
15-16 martie 2017 – 11th WAREG General Assembly Sofia, Bulgaria
16 – 17 decembrie: Conferința WAREG- București
17 decembrie: Vizită WAREG la uzina de tratare şi de producţie a apei potabile de la Roşu a Apa Nova București
27 – 30 septembrie: 5th WAREG general assembly
27 – 28 iunie: WAREG General Assembly Edinburgh – Scotia
31 martie: WAREG Working Groups Joint
26 – 27 ianuarie: WAREG General Assembly, Dublin, Irlanda
13 noiembrie: Întâlnire pentru stabilirea grupurilor de lucru WAREG
English version
‘The creation of WAREG has enormous symbolic significance for our Authority. It takes place following the legitimate assertion of „Europe-wide” regulatory principles, even within Italian legislation, introducing stable EU criteria on the „full acknowledgement of costs” and regarding the concept that „those who pollute more must pay more”- says the Authority’s President, Guido Bortoni.
WAREG would particularly like to become a European benchmark for water regulation, a place where water service regulatory models can be compared and contrasted. Furthermore, thanks to the Network, regulators will have the opportunity to develop and prepare shared strategies, agreed at a European level – thanks also to a solid and strengthened institutional dialogue with the European Commission and Parliament – regarding the main issues concerning water provision, and to strengthen dialogue with other regional, national and international water service organisations.